List your events and assign accred with ease.

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Sam Doddridge

List Your




List tour dates for the media to apply for accreditation.

Add all of your artists tour dates, venues & times for the media and their contributors to apply for passes. Automatically collect all the important information such as: Contributors Names, Type of pass, emails & the publication they’re working for.


Remove unnecassary follow ups from publications

Publications and their contributors know exactly where their application sits with approved, pending and declined statuses.


Know that you have the best publications covering your event

View the publication and contributors social links & request event coverage ensuring the publication has promoted your event before assiging them accreditation.

Group 80 Group 53 Group 67


No more
wasted passes

Contributors can simply cancel their requests if they can no longer attend, allowing those allocated tickets to be sold on the door or assigned to other media outlets.


Approve or decline applications with a single click

Publications and their contributors will be notified of their application status.


Share approved media list with your venues or export to import in to your ticketing systems.

Once the media list is finalised you can simply share the approved list with your venues, tour managers or export out to import in to your ticketing systems.

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Liam Pethick

Ready to simplify the process?